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Sunday, 16 May 2021

BULLYING - Stop BULLYING Learner Drivers

A note to bullies. Stop BULLYING learner drivers, in fact stop bullying anyone.

What's that? This doesn't apply to you because you're not a bully! 

If you've ever been behind a learner driver and felt anger towards them because they aren't as proficient as you and you've let your anger manifest itself into causing danger, you need to take a good long hard look at yourself. 

Don't forget that a lot of learners are only 17 years old children, so you like bullying kids eh?

Learner drivers are trying their very best to get things right, however, they often do unpredictable things. They are even more likely to be unpredictable when they're being pressured by bullies tailgating them, honking the horn because they are taking a few seconds longer than an experienced proficient driver or because the learner can see the bully's hand gesturing or facial expressions and they become even more anxious.

There are two things which are sure to bring out the childish behaviour in someone and that's social media and driving.

Being behind a learner driver brings out the worst in some people. Let's look at some of the justifications you bullies use.

"You're driving too slow"
Well, they're either driving as fast as the law allows or as fast as the road and traffic conditions allow, or (shock, horror) they haven't yet built the confidence to drive faster. Have you tried driving within the speed limit since passing your test? Here's a bit of news for you bullies. Just because the vast majority of drivers speed, it's still against the law - period.

"Can't you find somewhere else to learn?"
If you recall your lessons, no there isn't anywhere else except PUBLIC roads. Learners, pedestrians, cyclists etc are as legally entitled to use public roads as a full licence holder is. A full licence doesn't give you any more rights. All it means is you can drive without supervision. 

Here's some more news for you. Your 'road-tax' doesn't pay for the roads, it's a tax on producing vehicle emissions. 

"You're making me late"
If your only strategy for getting somewhere on time is by consistently speeding, you're onto a loser anyway. If being behind a learner causes you a few seconds or even just a couple of minutes delay, you weren't going to make it on time anyway. Try working on your time-management skills. Learners are often overtaken only for the overtaking driver to turn at a junction 3-4 seconds later. I guess it made them feel better about themselves, because it serves no other purpose. 

More news for you. There are all types of vehicles on the road with you, driven by drivers with the full spectrum of proficiency and experience.

"You're taking too long to move away"
They're taking as long as they need to get it right. Would you rather they rush and stall or move away a little slower than you? We could practice even more on quieter roads but there is no substitute for dealing with moving away on demand, in real-time traffic or at traffic lights. 

Further news for you. Honking your horn will not change this, getting irate will not change this, it's only likely to make things worse.

"You're taking too long to look"
The most common cause of failure on a driving test is 'ineffective observations at junctions'
The pupil is being trained to make effective observations to avoid causing danger. They're just the same as you when you are in a new environment or new job role. Things take longer to do. They haven't yet developed the quickness of processing and interpreting information that an every-day, experienced driver has. Honking your horn or revving your engine won't change this either. We even have drivers further back in a queue at a closed junction honking their horn when they can't even see what we're waiting for.

"You could have gone then"
Maybe they could...If the other drivers were signaling properly or using the correct lane or driving at the right speed. A learner doesn't have the years of experience it takes to interpret the mess of information or lack of information given by "drivers". You licence holders should learn to follow the published rules instead of making up your own and expecting everyone else to know which bits of the Highway Code you've decided you don't like or is a stupid rule you don't agree with.

Here's a message for parents - your behaviour around your children when you are driving, and especially when you're harassing a learner driver, has a direct effect on the way they feel when they become the learner. So if you are wondering why they are taking longer than you to learn to drive, you may well be part of the reason.

To end this rant, there is no justification for bullying - EVER!

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